torsdag 5. mars 2009

201 and a video

Good evening!

What a wonderful day!!!!! I have had a super riding day today.

I got 2 lessons today. I rode Blåi on the first one, where we worked on the pliee ( slight shoulder in) and the versade ( shoulder in). Blåi's hind legs have now gotten really good, but her shoulders and front legs still need work. The thing that is happening is that her front legs still push a bit too much backwards, and because the stride from her hind legs is so good now, the hind legs sometimes hit into the front legs. This is a normal situation in the education, and the way to solve it now is to ride her in a slight shoulder in so that the hind leg gets space to be set down in between the front legs. The shoulde in also teaches the horse to start lifting the shoulders and the front legs more and move them more freely. So that this problem of her sometimes stepping on her own front legs will go away when she is stronger and more supple. So this is just part of the prosess. Thanks to a week student who has a digital camera we filmed my lesson on Blåi today so that you can see us in action. Thank you very much Yvonne!!!!

Then, in the afternoon today Bent gave me a lesson on Filur. It was ride # 201, and today it finally went a lot better. Bent helped me a lot and incouraged me and i managed nice shoulder in and quarter in in both hands. In both collection and forward down. He was carrying nicely on his hind legs and was nice in my hand, working propperly over the back. It all felt smoth and soft. I was in the seventh heaven after my lesson. It felt sooooooo nice to manage to ride Filur a bit better again. Yahoooooooo!!!

Then after evening work i had another training session with Blåi. Yvonne, the week student who is here now was so kind to help me. She had Blåi on the longje while i was riding her. In that way she could help me to explain to Blåi exactly what my aids mean and what i want. The shoulder in's were all really really good, and she also got a lot of nice steps in quarter in. I think she understood the quarter in a lot better now when Yvonne could help her a bit as well. Will work her like that a bit more in the weekend. And then i think that she will master the travers in no time as well!

Mulle was the last one to get ridden today. She made very nice versade and travers in forward down and in collection. And we did a bit renvers as well. The trott is also getting better and we worked a bit of shoulder in in the trott. Tomorrow Yvonne is gonna film my lesson with Mulle as well, so then you will be able to see her in action as well. She is very positiv and has a nice energy when we work together. She really does her best all the time!!!

Will upload a video of Mulle video tomorrow ( if i manage to upload the one i am trying to upload here today that is, it takes a loooong time to load....)

Nope, the files were to big to upload here. Working on the problem and will try show it to you soon!

Hugs, good night and stay in the now!

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