onsdag 14. januar 2009

Friday 14/01/2009

Hi, and welcome to my blog :-)
I am a rider and instructor in the academic art of riding, and with this blog i would like to share my joy of riding and horses with you. It's the first time I ever write a blog, so bare with me, I'm sure that I'll get better at it in time :-)
Now, this is what's happening in my life right now:
Tomorrow I'll go to Norway for 7 days to teach and give a clinic. The clinic is gonna be held a 1000m over sea level, on a mountain in Norway, so that will be a fun, but very cold experience...
Then when I come back to England I'll spend a few days with my boyfriend before me and Kimo
This is Kimo:

will drive from England, through Europe, all the way up to Denmark.
In Denmark I will once again be a working pupil with my riding master Bent Branderup.
I was there for 8 months in 2007 as well.

In Denmark I will get to see my very best friend Filur again. He is a blind, 18 year old Knabstruper stallion. I will also finally be reunited with my beloved Quarter horse Mulle.
( See pics on the topp of the page)
I will also bring Blåi with me from Norway, she is a Norwegian Døle hest and belongs to my pupil Unni. (Pics later)
So the plan for this blog is to try to share my adventure with you, tell you about my riding lessons, my working days, the people I meet and about my beloved horses.
I hope you will enjoy it. Gotta pack my bags and get ready for Norway now...
Will write again soon :-)
m x

3 kommentarer:

  1. Gleder meg til å følge med deg på bloggen, og håper at det lar seg gjennomføre å komme og besøke deg i Danmark. "Knerten" og jeg kommer til å savne deg!

  2. Hurra! Håper du oppdaterer ofte, gleder meg kjempemasse til å lese!
    Utrolig bra at vi får følge med på hva som skjer mens du er borte, da går kanskje tiden litt fortere. :)

  3. hei og hopp det blir gøy å følge med på det du driver med i Danmark. klem
