Mulle has finally started to settel in a bit, and she feels a lot more supple and relaxed than she has done. I am glad that i have 4 month instead of 3 here, so that it does not matter so much that she needed the first month just to settle in. We still have loads of time to learn and get better together. Mulle is such a brilliant horse, so kind and well behaved always.
An though her body is built slightly unfortunate she always works hard and tries her very best.I am so proud of my little horse!!!
Blåi is doing very well. I had a lesson on her today, and for the first time her right hind leg was acctually better then the left one. This is normal when focusing on excercising the weaker leg for a while, it suddently ends up beeing the better leg.
So now she knows the aids for making the cirkle bigger and smaler on the circle in both hands.
Both Mulle and Blåi have gotten used to the mirrors as well now, so that is good.
I have not ridden Filur so much this last week. We are still only on time number 197, but hopefully I will get to work him more again now. I already have a little bottle of Champaign in the fridge for the day we will celebrate our 200. ride together :-)
From Thursday til Thuesday I had a visit from my boyfriend. It was great, he helped out with all the chores every day and made great food. On saturday we all went for a ride in the wood together, we were 6 horses all together. It was a great day, and we all enjoyed it very much!
Now i have only 2 days left being the extra practicant. From the first of next month I will be a normal stable practicant, and i am really looking forward to it.
Until now I have helped out with the normal stable duties on top of doing the other chores that i have been given this month. Yesterday and today I have fixed the stallion padock, and before that i worked a lot on the old barn. Will show you pictures of how nice it all looks now soon!
I'd better get to bed, will write again soon!
Sleep tight and stay in the now!
m x