Now my 4th full working day here at Lindegården has come to an end, and all is fine.
My working days have been divided between stable work, repairing paddocks and starting the huge project of cleaning out this room completely:
Everything has to be taken out, so I have my work cut out for me.... But it'll be ok:-)
Will show you pictures about how I get on.
But since I have not ridden propperly for such a long while now I need time to relax, start feeling again and get into how to ride Filur good. We are only working on getting the walk good, forward down, in collection and in the side movements. And I feel like a total beginner again. He is not an easy horse to ride, but i really enjoy it!!!
I found these wonderful two black furry friends this evening. I know it's a bit hard to see on this picture, but the left one is a rabit, and the right one is a cat. Just found it so cute that I had to show it to you all.
Mulle was transportet to the stable where Blåi lives on Wednesday and spent the night there together with Blåi. Mulle (as always)cared more about the food then about Blåi the first time they met, but they got along ok. Today they have left a cold and snowy Norway and are heading
to Denmark as I write. I am very exited and a bit worried about them.
It's gonna be wonderful when they finally arrive here tomorrow!!!
met her a few times when I have given her lessons together with her owner Unni.
But she is wonderful, and I can't wait to get to know her and work together with her!!!
Will write more soon :-)
Take care and stay in the NOW!
Hugs m
Give Blåi a good hug from us who had her before Unni - I look forward to seeing the progress I know you will have with her! She will learn fast and will always try to do whatever she thinks you want her to do. Best regards from Lotte and Marie
SvarSlettSå moro med denne bloggen din! Spesielt gøy siden jeg nettopp var og besøkte Tom hos Bent, så jeg kjenner igjen små ting som katta og kaninen, og at det var så internasjonalt med Tom + Emma + Bent + Bianca. Yay - jeg veit litt om hva du snakker om! =)
SvarSlettOg spennende å følge med sånn på treningen din av Filur og sånt, moro at du husker hvor mange ganger du har ridd ham. Gleder meg til å fortsette å lese dette =)
Kommer kanskje på besøk i april en gang, sammen med Martine (med Rupert-ponnisen ved Gaustad).
Hilsen fra Signe =)